Charity Member Grants

Our Vision: Changing the way the world does business. 

BNI has a vision to sponsor one charity member in each chapter around the world. In BNI Sydney North East, we are actively seeking new members who represent registered charities so that we can help them spread the word about their mission, find and provide opportunities to expand their reach, and maximise the impact they have in our communities.

We have hundreds of charities throughout BNI Australia who are benefitting from their BNI memberships through a grant. The grant covers the application fee and annual membership fee for the first year of membership. In BNI Sydney North East, we offer to continue the grant each year as long as the charity member is fully participating in the BNI system.

Membership requires an online application by a representative of a registered charity, reference checks, and interviews and is subject to approval by the chapter Membership Committee. The charity member is a full member of the BNI community and is required to participate as any member in BNI would. BNI provides comprehensive training to its members to help them achieve their goals.

To maximise the value to the charity, we only allow one charity per chapter, even if the charities are not in "competing" environments.

Please visit our chapters to see if BNI is right for you. We are happy to provide testimonials and references from charity members if you would like more information. 

We know you believe in giving... we believe that Givers Gain! 

Wendy Lloyd Curley, Franchise Owner
BNI Sydney North East
0416 239 851


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